Payment FAQ
Can I mail my payments? If making payments, they are due on the 15th of every month. If you mail your payments, please ensure your payments are mailed prior to the 15th of every month. There are 4 ways to make your payments: Online: Your...
Carnival Cruise Line FAQ
What does my cruise rate include? Your rate includes all taxes, fees, and port charges. Insurance and gratuity are priced separately. Gratuities for Carnival cruise lines $13.95 per person, per day. Both people in the cabin must add them. What are my payments? It's...
Passport and ID information
Do I need a Passport? You may travel with a Passport or your birth certificate AND a valid government issued id. Please read the additional information below for more information. It is recommended everyone get a Passport, but U.S. citizens are only required to...
Why Should You Use A Travel Agent?
When you search the internet to find the best deal, you not only do all the work, but you are still working with a travel agency. Most online travel agencies allow you to book your trip on their sites, however, you are left with the booking and reservation...
Charleston Port Parking
CHARLESTON CRUISE PORT ADDRESS: 196 Concord St Charleston, South Carolina (843) 958-8298 PARKING AT THE PORT: Is parking available at the Port of Charleston? Yes, parking is available on Port property, just a short distance from the...